The Moral March on Washington
Right now there are 140 million poor and low-income Americans who are struggling to make ends meet. They’re one economic crisis away from financial ruin. That’s almost half of our population. They’re our friends, our…
#FSTVSpeaks #moralmarchonwashington #poorpeoplescampaign #PPCMoralMarch Activism Freespeechtv
FSTV Speaks: The Evil of White Supremacy
An act of white terrorism fueled by racism has taken the lives of 10 people in Buffalo’s Black community. The massacre was a result of white supremacist ideology that has been given a mainstream platform…
Buffalo FSTV Speaks Great Replacement Theory Shooting White Supremacy
Five Dollar Friday
Become a sustaining donor for Free Speech TV. All you have to do is donate $5.00 by dialing (877)-378-8669 or going to our website Pledging $5.00 a month helps FSTV continue giving you the…
#freeSpeech donating five dollar friday Free Speech TV The Randi Rhodes Show