2022-11-30 14:07:34
With the so-called “red wave” being reduced to a mere backwoods puddle, conservative forces are countering by attempting to bar early voting for the crucial senate runoff in Georgia on December 6th. Right wing extremists understand the power of limiting turnout. We hope that YOU continue to understand the strength in our democracy and once again, stand up to support the civic engagement efforts of nonpartisan organizations working for free and fair elections. The stakes remain high with this final US Senate race of 2022–from reproductive rights to climate change, from racial and economic justice to the control of our courts, and from Ukraine to Appalachia. We need every vote cast, and every vote counted. From the frontlines of Georgia politics, the New Georgia Project will be driving underrepresented and marginalized folks to the polls on December 6th. Please visit New Georgia Project.org and see how you can get involved. Thank You.