2022-06-03 13:46:14

Holding the Gun Lobby to Account

We are once again reeling from yet another mass shooting. 19 grade-school children and two teachers were slaughtered in Uvalde Texas, and once again we are hearing excuses and deflection from the NRA and the Republican lawmakers who pander to the gun lobby. The majority of Americans want common-sense gun regulations, but for that to happen, we must tackle the stranglehold that the gun industry holds on our elected officials. The gun industry has been shielded from legal liability because of the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act. This 2005 law provides immunity to gun makers and dealers. Everytown For Gun Safety is one of the groups calling for this law to be repealed.

Find out more at Everytown.org. Let's add all our voices to the increasing calls to hold the gun lobby to account and end this epidemic of gun violence. #FSTVSpeaks #guncontrol #guncontrolnow #nra #freespeechtv

#FSTVSpeaks #guncontrol #guncontrolnow Freespeechtv NRA

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