2023-04-12 19:11:44

Tennessee expulsion backfires on Republicans, Justin Jones reinstated

Justin Jones, a Democrat who was expelled from the Republican-controlled Tennessee legislature just days ago for protesting in favor of gun reform, has been reinstated as a state representative. After being sworn back into the Tennessee House of Representatives on Monday, Jones made it clear that he would continue to call for common sense gun legislation, saying, “The first thing I do when I walk into this building as a representative is to continue that call for common sense gun legislation.” Jones and another Democrat, Justin Pierson, were forced out of the legislature last week after a protest on the chamber floor spurred by the mass shooting last month at a Nashville Christian school that left six people dead. However, the Nashville Metropolitan Council voted 36 to 0 on Monday to re-appoint Jones to the House of Representatives, putting him back into his previously held position. Jones' reinstatement is seen as a complete failure on the part of the Republican Party in Tennessee, which expelled him in violation of the decorum rules and sparked a controversy that has only drawn more attention to their inaction on important issues such as gun safety.


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Democrat Justin Jones Justin Pierson Nashville Christian Republican Republican Party Tennessee legislature The David Pakman Show


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