2021-04-23 11:49:08

Anti-Maskers Accost Children at School

Anti-maskers are somehow becoming more emboldened, despite indicators pointing to the United States getting close to the end of the coronavirus pandemic. Case in point, a group of anti-maskers showed up this week at an elementary school in Beverly Hills, California with signs and flyers protesting mask rules and encouraging kids not to wear their masks. The group was filmed doing their “activism” and at one point a protester told a student that the mask smells bad. Kids are, of course, highly impressionable and might feel intimidated by a group of adults telling them to disobey their parents and teachers. While just about no one likes wearing masks, most of us recognize it’s a small sacrifice for keeping people healthy and preventing more COVID infections, hospitalizations, and deaths. Most of society, and even most of these students, understand this and yet more than a year into the pandemic, there is still a sizable portion of the American population complaining about placing some cloth over their face.
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