2022-05-16 18:19:24
A horrific mass shooting took place over the weekend in Buffalo, New York that resulted in ten people losing their lives and three more injured. The attack took place at a Tops Friendly Markets grocery store and part of it was live-streamed on Twitch by the shooter until it was taken down. Of the thirteen victims, eleven were black and two were white and this was not by coincidence. This is being investigated as a hate crime as it appears the shooter went deliberately to a black neighborhood to commit the act. The shooter is white and 18 years old. He was wearing body armor, and a military-grade helmet, and was armed with three weapons: a semiautomatic rifle, a hunting rifle, and a shotgun. The suspect was captured alive and arraigned in the Buffalo city court. Without missing a beat, there were folks on the right trying to distract from this attack since it was committed by a great replacement theory-believing right-winger. Some conservatives did what they’ve been doing for forty years which is to blame video games. In truth, this seems to have been motivated by a mix of conservative propaganda, mental health challenges, and easy access to firearms.
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