2021-03-30 12:45:45

“Crisis of Capitalism”: Roberto Lovato on How U.S. Policies Fuel Migration & Instability

DN speaks with Salvadoran American journalist Roberto Lovato about how decades of U.S. military intervention in Central America have contributed to the ongoing humanitarian crisis at the border.

Some 18,000 unaccompanied migrant children are now in U.S. custody, according to the latest figures, and more than 5,700 are in Customs and Border Protection facilities, which are not equipped to care for children. This comes as a record number of asylum seekers are arriving at the southern border, fleeing extreme poverty, violence and climate change in their home countries.

“You have the ongoing epidemic of U.S. policy and the crisis that is not of migration as much as it’s the crisis of capitalism, backed by the kind of militarism and militarized policing that you see not just in the United States, but in Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, on and on,” Lovato says.

“The border is the ultimate machete of memory. It cuts up our memory so that we forget 30 years of genocide, mass murder, U.S.-sponsored militarism and policing, failed economic policies.”

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America Amy Goodman Capitalism Democracy Now! El Salvador Free Speech TV Guatemala Honduras ICE Immigration Intervention Mexico Migrant Children Migration Roberto Lovato U.S. Military


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