2023-02-01 12:17:54

Standoff at NYC Hotel: Asylum Seekers Protest Relocation & Demand Their Right to Shelter in City

Since last spring, nearly 42,000 asylum seekers have arrived in New York City, many sent to the state on buses against their will. The city says it has opened 77 emergency shelters and four Humanitarian Emergency Response and Relief Centers, but asylum seekers say the city has dragged its feet on providing job permits and permanent and humane housing. Many are now peacefully protesting outside a hotel not far from Times Square, where they were living for weeks until city officials suddenly evicted them over the weekend to move them to a remote warehouse facility in Brooklyn that contains 1,000 cots and lacks heating. Mutual aid organizers have rallied with the asylum seekers and vowed to fight the evictions. For more, we're joined by Josh Goldfein, a staff attorney for The Legal Aid Society's Homeless Rights Project, and Desiree Joy Frías, a community organizer with South Bronx Mutual Aid.

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42k asylum seekers Democracy Now! Desiree Joy Frías Humanitarian Emergency Response and Relief Centers Josh Goldfein The Legal Aid Society's Homeless Rights Project

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