2021-01-26 10:04:40

Trumpist Congressman Implodes Under Basic Questioning

Freshman Congressman Madison Cawthorn went on CNN to be interviewed by Pamela Brown over the weekend. Cawthorn was one of the dozens of Republican lawmakers to call for throwing out the votes of swing states that went to Joe Biden in order to create a pathway for Donald Trump to win reelection. Brown chose to press him on this issue and asked why he thought he had the right to disenfranchise people in states that he doesn’t even represent.

Cawthorn is a representative from North Carolina but he sounded very concerned about voter integrity in Wisconsin specifically. He argued that Wisconsin had drop boxes and early voting systems that he believed to violate its own state constitution. The CNN anchor pointed out that a Trump-appointed judge had ruled that everything Wisconsin had done was in working order. She asked Cawthorn how he could know better than the judge that reviewed the case, which of course, Cawthorn couldn’t answer. The interview wrapped up with Cawthorn being asked about the voting system in North Carolina, which he defended as being totally fine (Trump won the Tar Heel state by 74,000 votes). Finally, he conceded that the 2020 election wasn’t fraudulent which really put into question why he was working in favor to overturn the results all along.


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2020 CNN David Pakman Election Joe Biden Madison Cawthorn MAGA North Carolina Pamela Brown The David Pakman Show Trumpist Wisconsin


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