2023-04-19 19:45:28

Trump promises mandatory homeless camps in disoriented orange video

Failed former President Donald Trump has proposed the idea of mandatory homeless camps as part of his policy for a 2024 run. He said during his announcement, “Ban urban camping. Wherever possible. Violators of these bans will be arrested, but they will be given the option to accept treatment and services if they're willing to be rehabilitated.” Of course, banning homelessness in this way assumes that it is a choice or behavior that can be eliminated with the right punishment, ignoring the fact that homelessness has many underlying causes, such as poverty, mental illness, addiction, lack of affordable housing, and lack of effective public transportation. By forcing homeless people to live in tent camps outside of cities, they are further marginalized and stigmatized. Historical examples of this type of approach have shown that mandatory institutionalization programs for homeless people only lead to overcrowding, unsanitary conditions, abusive treatment, and segregation, making it even harder for them to reintegrate into society. Instead of further marginalizing this vulnerable population, experts suggest that we should work towards addressing the root causes of homelessness.

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#davidpakmanshow Ban urban camping Donald Trump mandatory institutionalization programs The David Pakman Show


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