2021-09-28 09:46:13

Trump Melts Down at Humiliating Rally, Calls Biden "Son of a B!tc&"

Donald Trump held a rally in Perry, Georgia over the weekend and for once he actually had new material to share with the audience. While the former president did recycle some old bits, like prompting a “lock her up” chant for Hillary Clinton, he also notably added new stuff about “taking our country back” with the 2022 midterm races. He said, “with your help we’re going to take back the House and send Nancy Pelosi back to San Francisco where she can work very hard to bring back a city which she has helped to very much destroy just like they’re destroying our nation.” Trump couldn’t help himself from questioning fraud in previous presidential races, at one point suggesting Barack Obama wasn’t really reelected in 2012, saying “he won. Well I don’t know if he won — maybe he won. Who the hell knows if he won?” Then, Trump lied about the Arizona Republican-controlled “audit” of the 2020 race concluding that he won. The ex-POTUS suggested to the crowd that the “audit” went in his favor, when in reality it simply confirmed Joe Biden’s win and even added a little to Biden’s margin of victory. Later on, Trump called the current president a “son of a bitch,” something right-wing media would lose their minds over if it was a former Democratic president saying about a Republican president. The bottom line is Trump understands it’s time to focus on the midterm races and progressives need to look ahead to them as well. The future of these rallies and the impact of Trumpism in American politics will largely be dependent on these races and they may be a chance for progressives to finally send Trump into political irrelevance.


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Arizona Barack Obama David Pakman Donald Trump Georgia Hillary Clinton Joe Biden Nancy Pelosi Perry San Francisco The David Pakman Show


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