2021-08-24 09:37:43

Trump Loses Control, Booed by His Own Followers

Donald Trump held another one of his “Save America” rallies over the weekend, this time in Cullman, Alabama. Much of the speech was unhinged, confused, and dishonest as are many Trump speeches, but in this one there was one moment in particular that really stood out. The former president actually got booed at his own rally for expressing support for people getting the COVID vaccine. Trump said “I recommend take the vaccines, I did it. It’s good. Take the vaccines.” When the crowd started expressing their disapproval, Trump backtracked a little saying, “no, that’s okay that’s alright. You’ve got your freedoms, but I happened to take the vaccine.” Trump went on to point out that the vaccines are working but if anything changes, “you’ll be the first to know. Okay? I’ll call up Alabama I’ll say you know what — but it is working.” The ex-POTUS went on to express his disapproval for vaccine mandates of any kind, saying “you do have your freedoms, you have to maintain that.” After all these years, we’ve apparently found what will cause some Trump supporters to turn on Trump, and remarkably it’s the suggestion to take a safe vaccine that could end up saving their lives.

Trump also spoke about the Delta variant during his speech, which is hitting the unvaccinated areas of the country, like Alabama, particularly hard. He said, “I'm shaking hands with everybody backstage. I say, ‘well, I don't know, is this a good thing or bad?’ You'll read about it in three or four days, maybe. Hopefully not.” On foreign policy, Trump said that he spoke to a 5-year-old boy about the situation in Afghanistan and implied that even the young child would have handled the drawdown of troops better than Joe Biden. Trump also gave a shout out to MyPillow guy Mike Lindell, calling him “a patriot, a wonderful man, a man who puts his guts into everything, a man that they don’t treat properly. He’s smart, he loves this country so much, he’s willing to die for this country.” Then Trump admitted to watching some of Lindell’s cyber symposium and called the event “amazing” (even though Lindell failed to show the packet captures he had promised or anything resembling proof of voter fraud in the 2020 election). It doesn’t matter to Trump that the MyPillow guy made a fool of himself during the cyber symposium, all that matters to him is that Lindell did so in the service of uplifting Trump’s ego and playing into the “stolen election” narrative.


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alabama Coronavirus Covid COVID-19 Cullman David Pakman Delta Variant Donald Trump The David Pakman Show Vaccines


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