2022-11-22 18:59:56

Trump Has Been Unbanned from Twitter by Elon Musk

Donald Trump has been unbanned from Twitter nearly two years after getting kicked off the site for inciting an insurrection. Elon Musk, Twitter’s new owner, put out a poll asking people whether Trump’s account should be reinstated. By a narrow margin, the “yes” votes won and Musk responded by bringing back the former president’s account. Trump has so far not posted anything new since being allowed back on the social media platform. He insists that Truth Social is the home for him and the next big thing, even though the site barely gets any traction and is reportedly heading in the direction of bankruptcy. Getting back to tweeting seems like an important piece of Trump’s 2024 campaign but maybe he’ll be able to resist the temptation and stay exclusively on Truth Social these next two years.


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