2021-05-04 10:56:07
It has now been six months to the day of the 2020 election and the defeated candidate, Donald Trump, simply does not know how to move on. Over the weekend, the former president was videotaped giving a speech to guests at his Palm Beach resort. This was apparently supposed to be part of a big send-off before Trump leaves Mar-a-Lago for the more temperate New Jersey for the summer months. So while Trump’s message was supposed to be a quick “have a great summer” goodbye, instead guests were treated to a rambling man promise that soon voter fraud all across the country is going to get exposed. Trump said, “I wouldn’t be surprised if they found thousands, and thousands, and thousands of votes.” He then listed a bunch of states that he claimed will flip any moment now, including Arizona, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, “and even New Hampshire.” It’s been fascinating watching someone who was once the most powerful person on the planet now become a pathetic shell of his former self, unable to get over his loss to Joe Biden.
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