2022-07-01 12:54:08

San Antonio Organizer: U.S. Immigration Policy Is to Blame for Deaths of 53 in Smuggling Tragedy

Democracy Now go to San Antonio, where 53 migrants seeking refuge in the U.S. died earlier this week after being confined to a sweltering tractor-trailer. Human rights advocates blamed the tragedy on restrictive immigration policies like the Migrant Protection Protocols, also known as MPP or the "Remain in Mexico" program. In a 5-4 decision, the Supreme Court ruled on Thursday that President Biden has the power to end the Trump-era policy, which forced tens of thousands of asylum seekers to stay on the Mexican side of the border in unsafe conditions while their cases were resolved in the U.S. "Every single migration-related death is preventable by a policy that actually focuses on welcome and care," says Claudia Muñoz, co-executive director of Grassroots Leadership. #DemocracyNow

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#democracynow Claudia Munoz Democracy Now! Immigration Migrant Protection Protocols


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