2020-08-12 09:21:19

Russia Is Trying to Help Trump Again

Russia is once again meddling in the US presidential election in order to help Donald Trump, according to US intelligence officials. This does not mean necessarily that Donald Trump is participating in the meddling. Russia is pushing their standard disinformation campaigns, this time targeting Joe Biden. There are also reports that China and Iran could be actively working to hurt Trump, thus helping Joe Biden.

To reiterate, the intelligence report on Russia does not mean Trump is actively coordinating with Vladimir Putin. It also does not excuse the United States from its many examples of interfering in foreign elections. This serves as an interesting geopolitical indicator about which countries and leaders support which American presidential candidates. It also goes to show that there really is a world of difference between Democrats and Republicans on this issue. Democrats have been actively working to stop election interference ever since the disaster that was 2016. Trump, Mitch McConnell, and Republicans have pushed back at Democratic attempts to protect US election systems and this is the consequence.


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2016 2020 China David Pakman Donald Trump Election Iran Joe Biden Russia The David Pakman Show Vladimir Putin


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