2022-06-17 17:44:09

Rudy Giuliani Deletes Tweets Denying Being Drunk on Election 2020

Rudy Giuliani took down a couple of tweets denying that he was drunk on election night, perhaps suggesting that there could be undeniable evidence that he did have alcohol while advising Donald Trump. The tweets in question read, “I am disgusted and outraged at the out right lie by Jason Miller and Bill Steppien [sic]. I was upset that they were nor prepared for the massive cheating (as well as other lawyers around the President) I REFUSED all alcohol that evening. My favorite drink…Diet Pepsi! Is the false testimony from Miller and Steppien [sic] because I yelled at them? Are they being paid to lie?” Indeed it might be Rudy who is lying about this. He also likely made matters worse for himself by saying he “refused all alcohol” rather than just saying he wasn’t drunk. If a picture now comes out showing him drinking any alcohol at all, it’ll be proven that he wasn’t telling the truth.


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#davidpakmanshow Bill Steppien Diet Pepsi Donald Trump Election 2020 Jason Miller Rudy Giuliani The David Pakman Show


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