2021-06-09 09:08:36
As if things couldn't get any worse for Rudy Giuliani, he has now been completely exposed by some newly-released audio recordings. In these newly uncovered tapes, Rudy calls Ukrainian officials and tells them to say that they have opened up an investigation into Joe Biden. Rudy is potentially in some serious trouble here. This further confirms the allegations from the first Trump impeachment, that the former president was trying to coerce Ukraine to dig up dirt on his political opponent. In the recording, Giuliani urges that an investigation be announced, but not necessarily that an investigation be carried out. This further suggests there was a propaganda motive, because the Trump team thought the announcement of the investigation alone would be beneficial. The actual results of the investigation wouldn’t mater because the 2020 election would be over by that point. The calculation was that Biden would be weakened by the investigation and look corrupt in the eyes of the American people, causing him to lose the 2020 election to Donald Trump.
Rudy said on the tapes, “all we need from the President (Zelensky) is to say: ‘I’m gonna put an honest prosecutor in charge, he’s gonna investigate and dig up the evidence that presently exists and is there any other evidence about involvement of the 2016 election and then the Biden things has to be run out.’ I don’t know if it’s true or not, I mean, I see him bragging about it on television and to me as a lawyer, it sounds like a bribe.” Giuliani went on to encourage the Ukrainian president to make a public statement to “clear the air really well.” The plan was then for Rudy to travel to Ukraine to follow up. It’s possible that a plan like this could have worked if the Trump team covered their tracks more and if Ukraine was more receptive to it. Instead, Rudy failed to convince Ukrainian officials who did not want to get wrapped up in the charade. Now it is Rudy who is the one under investigation by the FBI and possibly even looking at prison time for his alleged wrongdoing.
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