2023-03-27 18:29:23

Ron DeSantis polls collapsing before campaign even starts

Ron DeSantis’s star appears to be fading as his polling numbers in a hypothetical 2024 Republican primary matchup have been declining versus Donald Trump. It is believed that DeSantis's successes in Florida are alienating him from voters in battleground states, who are still stinging from Republican losses by candidates who embraced the right-most reaches of the political spectrum. Additionally, DeSantis lacks charisma and that is becoming more visible to voters as he holds more events and interviews. This is deflating any excitement right-wingers once had for him, especially those who saw him as a natural successor to Trump. A number of polls show that DeSantis is now trailing Trump by a significant margin, which raises questions about whether he should declare his candidacy at all. Some have suggested that DeSantis should wait until 2028 to run since he’s only 44 years old now and in four years Trump will be out of the way. DeSantis will have to make his final decision in the next few months, and it’s not clear so far whether he’s made up his mind.


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