2022-02-08 18:52:52

Right-Wing Content Platform Rumble offered Joe Rogan $100 million

The right-wing content platform Rumble is now offering Joe Rogan $100 million over four years to leave Spotify and bring his podcast there. Rogan has been facing blowback for hosting vaccine skeptics and using racial slurs in old episodes. Spotify has taken steps to warn viewers about some of his content, and Rogan has issued apologies over the controversies. Rumble’s CEO Chris Pavlovski wrote the podcaster a letter made public on Twitter that reads in part, “We stand with you, your guests, and your legion of fans in desire for real conversation.

So we’d like to off you 100 million reasons to make the world a better place.” Missing from this conversation is that Rogan most likely can’t just leave Spotify all of a sudden. He signed a licensing deal with them two years ago so it’s very unlikely that he can get out of the deal if Spotify doesn’t want him to go. This could be just a way for Rumble to get some free publicity and to look like they have the money to pay the most highly sought-after talent in the podcasting world.

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#davidpakmanshow Chris Pavlovski Joe Rogan $100 million right-wing content platform Rumble Spotify The David Pakman Show Twitter vaccine skeptics


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