2022-01-12 10:21:21

Republican Senator Admits Trump Lost, Trump Calls Him a "Jerk"

Republican Senator Mike Rounds of South Dakota said something completely uncontroversial on ABC’s “This Week” over the weekend, but it’s getting him in a world of trouble with Trump supporters, some of whom make up his voter base. Rounds told George Stephanopoulos that the 2020 election was legitimate and that Joe Biden simply won and Donald Trump simply lost.

The senator said, “as a part of our due diligence, we looked at over sixty different accusations made in multiple states. While there were some irregularities, there were none of the irregularities which would have risen to the point where they would have changed the vote outcome in a single state. The election was fair, as fair as we’ve seen. We simply did not win the election as Republicans for the presidency.”

Trump put out a statement lambasting Rounds saying things like “is he crazy or just stupid?” and “I will never endorse this jerk again.” This response from Trump is exactly why so many Republicans are unwilling to say what they all know to be true about the 2020 election.


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