2022-04-27 17:54:03

Michael Cohen: Indict Trump Now or I'm Out

Michael Cohen, Donald Trump’s former personal attorney, is fed up with prosecutors refusing to indict his former boss. Cohen is the star witness in a case out of Manhattan into Trump’s possible financial crimes, and he says if there is no indictment from the grand jury they have over the next nine days, he’ll no longer be willing to cooperate with them. The current grand jury’s term will expire on April 30th, at which point they will need to get an extension or end it, and a new grand jury will be brought in. Cohen said, “I spent countless hours, over 15 sessions—including three while incarcerated. I provided thousands of documents, which would have been a valid basis for an indictment and charge-coupled with my testimony. The fact that they have not done so despite all of this . . . I’m not interested in any further investment of my time.” This news doesn’t provide any insight as to if Trump will be charged in this case, but it does suggest that if it’s going to happen at all, it’s going to happen soon.


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#davidpakmanshow 15 sessions April 30th charge-coupled Donald Trump Manhattan Michael Cohen The David Pakman Show


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