2023-02-03 19:10:44

Matt Gaetz & Democrat Spar Over Pledge of Allegiance

During a House Judiciary Committee meeting, Representatives David Cicilline and Matt Gaetz disagreed over the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance. Gaetz suggested that the committee recite the pledge and have "inspirational constituents" lead it, however, this proposal was met with criticism from Democrats who pointed out that members of the House already recite the pledge daily on the floor. Cicilline responded with his own proposal that the pledge should not be led by anyone who supported the insurrection on the Capitol in January 6th, 2021. Cicilline's proposal was defeated, and the Committee passed Gaetz's proposal unanimously. The exchange highlights the ongoing tension between Republicans and Democrats regarding the events of January 6th and the interpretation of patriotism.


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#davidpakmanshow 2021 Capitol in January 6th Cicilline House Judiciary Committee Matt Gaetz Representatives David Cicilline


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