2020-08-10 10:06:50

Kids Positive for Coronavirus After One Day in School

The experiment of sending kids back to school during a raging hundred-year pandemic by this administration has failed and it has failed miserably. David Pakman explains that he is not pleased to report this. He says that he wants kids to go back to school and understands the economic implications of keeping them home. But first and foremost, we need to consider whether this is a good idea from a public health standpoint. Right now, it just isn’t. We've already debunked the false notion that kids can't catch the disease or are “immune” from coronavirus. They can also pass the disease onto family members and teachers, who could be elderly or immunosuppressed.

Israel was handling the coronavirus well months ago, but when kids went back to school, the situation reversed. The United States does not have the virus under control and it is expected to get worse as we enter the fall months. Is it really all that crazy to say we shouldn’t have in-person classes through the end of the year so we can mitigate this dangerous second wave? Of course, for Trump and Republicans, this isn’t about public health, but rather about optics. They want to make it seem like the country is going back to normal, even when it shouldn’t be.


The David Pakman Show is a news and political talk program, known for its controversial interviews with political and religious extremists, liberal and conservative politicians, and other guests.

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Coronavirus COVID-19 David Pakman Israel Reopening Schools The David Pakman Show United States Virus


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