2022-10-17 18:03:55

Kanye West Explodes in Historic Antisemitic Rant

Kanye West went off the deep end with a rant about Jewish people that did the billionaire rapper zero favors. Recently, West was banned from Twitter for posting, “I’m a bit sleepy tonight but when I wake up I’m going death con 3 on JEWISH PEOPLE.” He also made antisemitic statements on Tucker Carlson’s program, some of which were cut out before airing. Now apparently trying to do damage control, Kanye appeared on a program and said, “Jewish people have owned the black voice. Whether it’s through us wearing a Ralph Lauren shirt or it’s all of us being signed to a record label or having a Jewish manager or being signed to a Jewish basketball team.” West would be much better served by keeping his mouth shut about this topic. But he refuses to go in that direction with the latest news about Kanye being he plans to buy Parler, apparently in retribution for getting kicked off Twitter over his antisemitic rhetoric.


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#davidpakmanshow antisemitic rhetoric billionaire rapper zero favors Jewish basketball team Jewish people Kanye Kanye West Ralph Lauren The David Pakman Show Twitter West


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