2023-05-05 18:47:09

Judge throws out Trump's lawsuit, orders him to pay legal fees

A judge has dismissed former President Donald Trump's lawsuit against The New York Times and ordered him to pay all legal fees. Trump had sued the paper and his niece, Mary Trump, alleging a plot to obtain his tax records and publish them in a Pulitzer-winning report. The court threw out Trump's claims against the newspaper and its reporters, and his claims against his niece have yet to be ruled upon. This is certainly not the first time Trump has faced legal troubles. He paid $25 million for his involvement in the Trump University scam and had to pay back $2 million for misusing charity funds. Trump also had to pay a $10 million fine for laundering money through his Trump Taj Mahal casino. The likely upcoming tactic from Trump is to refuse to pay the legal fees, resulting in further lawsuits and costs. Trump is also currently on a trip to Ireland and Scotland despite going through a civil trial for rape and defamation that is taking place in New York City.


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-President Donald Trump #davidpakmanshow $25 million Pulitzer-winning report The David Pakman Show The New York Times Trump Taj Mahal


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