2022-01-13 14:53:45

John Nichols on How “Coronavirus Criminals & Pandemic Profiteers” Hurt World’s Response to COVID-19

We speak with The Nation’s national-affairs correspondent John Nichols on the occasion of his new book, “Coronavirus Criminals and Pandemic Profiteers: Accountability for Those Who Caused the Crisis,” which takes aim at the CEOs and political figures who put profits over people during the coronavirus pandemic.

The chapters cover notorious figures such as former President Trump, Mike Pompeo, Jared Kushner, and Jeff Bezos. “In the United States alone, hundreds of thousands of deaths occurred that did not have to occur,” says Nichols. “Globally it’s in the millions, and the U.S. could have played a huge role in addressing that.”


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#democracynow Amy Goodman Jared Kushner Jeff Bezos John Nichols Juan Gonzalez Mike Pompeo Pandemic Profiteers


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