2022-07-15 19:03:33

John Bolton Casually Admits to Planning Coups

Former Trump National Security Advisor John Bolton went on CNN this week and casually mentioned how he helped orchestrate coups in foreign countries. The context was that Bolton was talking to Jake Tapper about whether Donald Trump was competent enough to attempt a coup by using his supporters to attack the Capitol on January 6, 2021. Tapper made the case that a person does not have to be “brilliant” to plan an overthrow of the government. Bolton responded, “I disagree with that as somebody who has helped plan coup d'état, you know, not here but other places. It takes a lot of work.” Jake followed up by asking him to specify where he helped plan coups, which Bolton tried to avoid while also alluding to Venezuela. The casual nature with which Bolton was willing to brag about this makes it deeply concerning that he was part of the foreign policy decision-making process in the last two Republican administrations.


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“brilliant” Bolton Bolton responded Coup d'état Donald Trump Former Trump National January 6 2021 John Bolton Republican administrations Security Advisor Tapper Venezuel


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