2022-02-04 19:08:54

Jason Whitlock Says 'Patriarchy is Good, What God Intended'

Jason Whitlock, sports journalist turned political commentator and cultural critic went on Tucker Carlson’s daytime program and argued that the patriarchy is a good thing. The exchange sounded like it took place in 1952, but it indeed happened in 2022. Whitlock said, “I probably am a sexist pig, so I could care less if I’m called that. But the patriarchy is a good thing. It’s what God intended. Men are supposed to lead.

Men are supposed to be out front, taking risks, we’re responsible.” Tucker, recognizing this was a controversial statement but not wishing to disagree with his guest, responded half-heartedly, “why are you not allowed to have that opinion? Why is that so controversial? That was the opinion from the beginning of time up until about twenty minutes ago.” This conversation is wrapped up in this bigger right-wing movement that tries to justify the patriarchy by falsely claiming it to be the natural way of life. Evidence shows that patriarchal societies don’t go back more than 10,000 years, but it’s hard to convince folks who don’t even believe in evolution that this is the case.


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#davidpakmanshow 1952 2022 Jason Whitlock patriarchal societies sports journalist The David Pakman Show Tucker Carlson

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