2021-08-30 16:34:35
The anti-mask temper tantrums continue around the country as the Delta variant surges and restrictions are gradually being put back into place. School board meetings are one of the locations home to these tirades as parents are in a tizzy over their kids having to wear masks as they return to school. At one recent meeting in New York, a parent suggested that the mask requirement could lead to sexual assault, because students and staff will be partially covering their faces. A woman in Arizona told her school board, “you’re probably driving around in your car with your mask on by yourself and I can’t help you at this point.” A man in Michigan tried to debunk the usefulness of masks by arguing that because people can smell through the mask, they must be ineffective at stopping the spread of COVID. Of course, the virus’s particles are many times larger than the other molecules in the air. So while people can smell through the mask, that does not mean they are not being protected from coronavirus by covering their face. Sadly, these anti-mask temper tantrums are likely to continue for the duration of the pandemic and they may even get worse as people get more and more frustrated.
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