2022-04-11 18:03:25

FREE SPEECH? Book Ban Efforts Hit Highest Level in 20+ Years

If the American right is complaining about something the left is supposedly doing, there’s a good chance it’s simply projection. One example is the topic of cancel culture, which the right has been complaining about for the last few years. Ironically, a new report from the American Library Association finds that book banning efforts have hit a twenty-year high. In 2021, there were 700 “challenges” to materials in libraries, schools, and universities, which is the highest amount since the organization started tracking the data in 2000. This has been driven mainly by conservative groups purging books about LGBT issues and people of color. These are the same restrictions on free speech and cancel culture that right-wingers bemoan when they believe the left to be doing it, yet they are obviously at the forefront of censorship and don’t care when they think it suits their political agenda.

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#davidpakmanshow 2021 700 “challenges” American Library Association LGBT issues libraries People of Color Right-wingers Schools The David Pakman Show Universities


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