2022-09-19 17:49:47

FBI Raid Causes Mike Pillow to Lose His Mind

MyPillow guy Mike Lindell continues to lose his mind over the recent FBI seizure of his cell phone. Lindell went on Charlie Kirk’s show and spoke about his encounter. He said, “after about 25 minutes of talk he goes, ‘Mike, we have to take your cell phone.’ And I go, ‘You're not getting my cell phone.’ I said, ‘I'd rather be arrested.’ I said, ‘Arrest me. You're not getting my phone.’” What Mike seems to not understand is that if he was arrested, the FBI would still end up taking his phone as they had a legal search warrant to confiscate it. Lindell also went on Steve Bannon’s show to complain about how he was supposedly being mistreated and told the agents, “you guys are going to be on my six o’clock show!” Maybe this will be as bad as it gets for Lindell, or maybe he’ll end up facing charges and potentially even serving time as a result of this investigation.


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#davidpakmanshow 25 minutes Charlie Kirk FBI seizure Lindell Mike Lindell MyPillow six o’clock show Steve Bannon


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