2022-01-27 19:07:08

Eric Trump & Alex Jones Plead the 5th

Both Alex Jones and Eric Trump invoked their Fifth Amendment rights more than one hundred times this week. The Infowars host Alex Jones testified this week before the January 6th committee and he invoked his constitutional rights against self-incrimination following more than one hundred questions. Eric Trump, the former president’s son, pleaded the fifth more than five hundred times in the New York probe into the Trump organization’s possible financial misdeeds.

Certainly, there is nothing wrong with using this right against self-incrimination, and often it makes a lot of sense. But folks like Donald Trump have implied in the past that it suggests guilt. Trump once said at a rally, “the mob takes the fifth. If you’re innocent, why are you taking the Fifth Amendment?” These investigations may lead to members of the Trump family and Alex Jones getting into a lot of trouble.


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#davidpakmanshow Alex Jones constitutional rights Donald Trump Eric Trump Fifth Amendment Infowars New York self-incrimination The David Pakman Show


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