2022-03-29 18:12:44

Donald Trump is suing Hillary Clinton

Donald Trump issued Hillary Clinton and several other Democrats in a strange, sprawling lawsuit related to the 2016 election. Trump argues that Clinton and her allies tried to rig the election by alleging he colluded with the Russian government. Also getting sued are John Podesta, James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok, and Lisa Page. Trump argues he was the victim of racketeering and a “conspiracy to commit injurious falsehood.” He is seeking an amount in damages totaling more than $24 million. This lawsuit is likely going nowhere for a few reasons, the first of which being the allegations of Trump having a connection to Russia really only got going after Trump had won the presidency. Furthermore, even though the years-long probe into the matter didn’t establish direct collusion, it did find Trump had committed obstruction of justice and more than 30 of his allies were charged as a result of it. This lawsuit will likely get dismissed right away, but for now, the former president can brag about this at rallies and get the crowd to cheer about him suing Hillary Clinton and company.

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#davidpakmanshow 30 of his allies Andrew McCabe Democrats Donald Trump Hillary Clinton James Comey John Podesta Lisa Page Peter Strzok Russian government The David Pakman Show


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