2020-07-08 11:27:14

Did Russian Bounties Target US Soldiers In Longest War?


Media reports that President Donald Trump was last year briefed on the Russian government offering the Taliban bounties for the lives of US soldiers in Afghanistan have provoked widespread outrage.

Trump claimed he was not briefed but was proven lying after documented evidence to the contrary. Newspaper op-eds have demanded answers, as have current and former officials like Senator Tammy Duckworth and former National Security Advisor Susan Rice – both of whom are contenders for Joe Biden’s running mate.

But Congress just authorized an amendment introduced by GOP Congresswoman Liz Cheney that would prolong the withdrawal of troops.

Sonali Kolhatkar speaks with Khury Petersen-Smith about this development.

Rising Up with Sonali is a radio and television show that brings progressive news coverage rooted in gender and racial justice to a wide audience. 

Rising Up With Sonali was built on the foundation of Sonali Kolhatkar's earlier show, Uprising, which became the longest-running drive-time radio show on KPFK in Los Angeles hosted by a woman. 

RUS airs on Free Speech TV every weekday.

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#FreeSpeechTV is one of the last standing national, independent news networks committed to advancing progressive social change. 

#FSTV is available on Dish, DirectTV, AppleTV, Roku, Sling and online at freespeech.org. from Afghanistan where the US has fought the longest war in modern American history.

Khury Petersen-Smith, Middle East Fellow at the Institute for Policy Studies.


Afghanistan Bounties Donald Trump Free Speech TV Iraq Khury Petersen-Smith Liz Cheney Military Rising Up with Sonali Russia Sonali Kolhatkar Talian United States

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