2022-02-07 16:21:21

Could Corporations be considered People?

Corporations will be given an opportunity to control the mass vote through monetary value exchange. Arrogance and dominance have left great powers and operations to believe the solutions created by them are the only options for clarity and sustainability. However, could the lack of empathy cloud the clarity of humanity's future if solutions are in the hands of entities that lack emotion?

Arrogance and dominance Corporations Hightower Chat & Chew humanity's future lack emotion monetary value exchange


The Rick Smith Show

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The Rick Smith Show | The Left’s Messaging Needs to Reach More People

BreakThrough News

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BreakThrough News | The Economy was on Voters' Minds

The Thom Hartmann Program

The Thom Hartmann Program | Does the Left Needs its own Media Ecosystem?

The Thom Hartmann Program | Does the Left Needs its own Media Ecosystem?

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The Thom Hartmann Program

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