2021-09-07 10:17:13

Candace Owens Claims Racism Over COVID Test

Right-wing political commentator Candace Owens had to cancel a speaking gig at a conservative gathering over the weekend after coming down with a “sudden illness.” The announcement fueled speculation that Owens came down with COVID-19. All pandemic long, Owens has been downplaying the severity of COVID, while questioning the efficacy of masks and the need for vaccines. Just last week, Candace tweeted, “I'm unvaccinated. I've been to six countries and 28 states since the start of this pandemic (maskless outside of planes), and I still don't have Covid.” Owens tried going to a privately owned testing center in Aspen, Colorado to find out if she had COVID but was refused service because the owner of the testing service said she didn’t want to help someone who discouraged masks and vaccines. Upon hearing the news of her canceled appointment, Candace took to social media to blame it on racism. She said, “the last time a white Democrat refused a black person service . . . we were in the Jim Crow era.” Owens is someone making a career on arguing that the left overblows instances of racism from the right, but the second she has an opportunity to call something racist, she takes full advantage of it. Whether or not Candace has COVID remains to be seen, but if she does, maybe it will be a wake up call to finally start taking the virus more seriously. Often with conservatives, it takes an issue to affect them personally in order for them to start caring about it.


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