2022-10-11 19:43:29

Bill O'Reilly's Shocking Advice to Herschel Walker

Bill O’Reilly actually offered up some good advice to beleaguered Republican Georgia Senate candidate Herschel Walker. Walker is facing an allegation that he paid for a woman he dated to get two abortions back in 2009, despite claiming now that he is vehemently opposed to the procedure and says it should be illegal without exception. O’Reilly said on his program, here's what you got to do, Herschel. And I'm just talking to you like a human being. This is a serious accusation. If you did it, you got to say you did it. I don't know how you do that, but you can't lie about it. If you did not do it, then you've got to go after The Daily Beast. You got to have your attorneys sue them and if there is a person alleging that she had an abortion, you got to see that person.” Bill’s instinct here is actually correct which is that Herschel either needs to own up to his mistake or sue for defamation depending on whether the allegation is actually true. Of course, Walker isn’t doing either one of these things and is hoping the problem will just go away on its own before Election Day.


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#davidpakmanshow Bill O'Reilly Daily Beast Election Day Herschel Walke Republican Georgia Senate The David Pakman Show


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