2021-03-23 11:44:19

Amid Border Emergency, Immigrant Rights Advocates Urge Biden to Stop Detaining Children

There are now over 15,000 unaccompanied migrant children in U.S. custody as the number of people seeking asylum at the southern border shows no sign of slowing down.

The Biden administration has sharpened its rhetoric in recent weeks, insisting that the “border is closed” and pushing Mexico and Guatemala to stem the flow of migrants.

The Biden administration has also maintained one of the most controversial Trump policies, which allows the U.S. to deny almost all asylum seekers on public health grounds.

“What is happening at the southern border is shameful,” says Luz Lopez, a lawyer with the Southern Poverty Law Center focused on immigration.

“We as a country should remain vigilant and hold any administration accountable, regardless of political party, with respect to our treatment of children seeking refuge, who are fleeing countries that are in turmoil, largely because of our geopolitical policies over the past several decades.”

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Amy Goodman Asylum Biden Administration Controversial Democracy Now! Donald Trump Free Speech TV ICE Immigration Luz Lopez Mexico Southern Border Southern Poverty Law Center U.S. Custody United States


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