2023-02-08 18:16:11

Biden Brutally Mops the Floor with Republicans at State of the Union

President Joe Biden delivered his State of the Union address last night and predictably, Republicans are furious over the speech. Many expected that Biden would unveil some new policy ideas, but instead, he spent much of the time launching direct and brutal attacks against the Republican Party. Some of the president's policies included a billionaire tax and a larger tax on stock buybacks. He also announced a plan to expand insulin's $35/month cost cap. At one point, Biden set a trap for Republicans by suggesting that some Republicans want to sunset Social Security and Medicare. Republicans started shouting in response, to which Biden replied that the subject is now off the table. This made Biden look like he was delivering a masterclass in exposing the right as hypocrites on this issue. Marjorie Taylor Greene and Matt Gatez both took the State of the Union as an opportunity to humiliate themselves by shouting at Biden, but the president seemed totally unfazed by their immaturity and Kevin McCarthy was powerless to control them.


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#davidpakmanshow Kevin McCarthy Marjorie Taylor Green Matt Gatez President Joe Biden Republicans State Of The Union The David Pakman Show


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