2020-02-07 13:39:20

200 Salvadoran Asylum Seekers Killed, Raped or Tortured After U.S. Deportation

A shocking new report says at least 200 Salvadoran asylum seekers were either killed, raped, or tortured after being deported from the United States back to El Salvador.


According to Human Rights Watch, some 138 people who were deported to El Salvador were murdered by gang members, police, soldiers, death squads, or ex-partners between 2013 and 2019.


From Denver, Colorado, Democracy Now! speaks to Clara Long, senior researcher for Human Rights Watch and “Arturo,” a Salvadoran national who was deported after nearly two decades in the U.S. joins from El Salvador.


He asked for his real identity to be concealed for safety.

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Amy Goodman Arturo Clara Long Democracy Now! El Salvador Free Speech TV Human Rights Watch Immigration Migration Salvadoran Immigrants United States


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