2023-04-04 17:38:37

WOW: Trump 34 FELONY charges, no handcuffs, no mugshot, no cameras

Today, President Donald Trump was arrested and charged with 34 felony counts for falsification of business records. Despite being charged with multiple felonies, Trump was not placed in handcuffs, put in a jail cell, or subjected to a mugshot. This is presumably part of the special treatment Trump is getting, being a former U.S. president accused of white-collar crimes. Ahead of his processing, the Manhattan District Attorney's Office consulted with Secret Service and New York City court officials, and they deemed that there was no reason to put Trump in handcuffs or give him a mugshot. The former president was protected by Secret Service agents at all times. There were still photos taken during the arraignment, but no video cameras, despite many calling for live video cameras given the immense public interest in the case and its political implications.


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#davidpakmanshow 34 felonies Indictment manhattan grand jury Trump


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