2020-04-30 14:04:04

WHO Adviser on Meat Plants: If We’re at War, the Weapons We Need Are Tests and PPE, Not Pork

As President Trump invokes the Defense Production Act to bar local governments from closing meat plants around the United States, DN gets a response from a longtime adviser to the World Health Organization.

“When Congress passed that act, it certainly did not have in mind that the president has the power or the right to put workers’ lives and health at risk,” says Lawrence Gostin, professor of global health law at Georgetown University and director of the World Health Organization Center on National and Global Health Law.

Gostin also discusses why he joined 40 leading center directors in a declaration this week that urges Trump and Congress to restore and increase WHO funding.

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Amy Goodman Coronavirus COVID-19 Defense Production Act Democracy Now! Donald Trump Free Speech TV Lawrence Gostin Meat Meat Plant United States WHO World Health Organization


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