2020-03-05 12:15:23

The New Poll Tax? Long Lines, Closed Polling Stations Hurt Black, Latinx & Student Voters in TX, CA

Long wait times plagued polling places in Texas throughout Super Tuesday, especially in districts with high numbers of black and Latinx voters and college students.

Many voters reported waiting in line for more than three hours to cast a ballot. At least 750 Texas polling sites have been shuttered since 2013, when the Supreme Court slashed federal oversight of Texas and other Southern states under the Voting Rights Act of 1965.

There were long lines, too, in Los Angeles, where many polling places reported problems with a brand-new $300 million voting system.

The Sanders campaign sued to keep polling places open an extra two hours, saying voters were denied their constitutional right.

This is the new poll tax.

The county registrar denied that request. For more, we speak with Ari Berman, senior writer at Mother Jones magazine and author of Give Us the Ballot: The Modern Struggle for Voting Rights in America.

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Amy Goodman Ari Berman Democracy Now! Free Speech TV Mother Jones Poll Tax Super Tuesday Voters Voting System


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