2022-07-28 12:38:39

Ukrainian Feminist: We Need Western Solidarity in Fighting Russian Imperialism

Democracy Now! speaks to Oksana Dutchak, a Ukrainian feminist and co-editor of the leftist journal Spilne, who fled to Germany because of the “inability to live under the constant pressure of fear” as Russian invaded. She says Western leftists and feminists who have misgivings about Western military support for Ukraine often overlook that Ukrainians are fighting for self-determination and against imperialism. “What does it mean to stop the war? How it should be stopped? There are questions which should be in the center if you want to give a political answer to the challenges Ukrainian society is facing,” she adds.


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#democracynow Germany Imperialism Oksana Dutchak self-determination Spilne Ukraine Ukrainian feminist Ukrainian society Western leftists Western military


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