2021-01-04 11:37:46

New Doc Examines Trump’s Failures On The Pandemic

Sonali Kolhatkar speaks with Alex Gibney, Suzanne Hillinger, and Ophelia Harutyunyan about Trump's failure to handle a pandemic.

If you are a believer in the cult of President Donald Trump, you may be under the impression that the Covid-19 pandemic is just about wrapping up and everything is, in Trump’s words, “totally under control.” But more than 215,000 Americans have died from the disease and more deaths continue to pile up.

The massive failures of the Trump administration in tackling the pandemic are so numerous and shocking that it took a 2-hour investigative documentary to chronicle them. The film Totally Under Control was made with great difficulty and secrecy during the pandemic and released before it the crisis is over, featuring interviews with such people as the federal government scientist and whistleblower Dr. Rick Bright, former Obama administration’s HHS head Kathleen Sebelius, and many others.

The film paints a damning portrait of the repeated failures of the Trump White House to control a virus it should have been well-prepared for. Totally Under Control is out now on-demand on digital platforms and available on Hulu starting October 20th.

The documentary is available to rent or buy online here.

Rising Up with Sonali is a radio and television show that brings progressive news coverage rooted in gender and racial justice to a wide audience. Rising Up With Sonali was built on the foundation of Sonali Kolhatkar's earlier show, Uprising, which became the longest-running drive-time radio show on KPFK in Los Angeles hosted by a woman. RUS airs on Free Speech TV every weekday.

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#FreeSpeechTV is one of the last standing national, independent news networks committed to advancing progressive social change. 

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Alex Gibney Coronavirus Covid COVID-19 Donald Trump Free Speech TV Ophelia Harutyunyan Pandemic Sonali Kolhatkar Suzanne Hillinger United States


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