2023-02-20 18:59:15

Trump vs DeSantis feud explodes as Trump goes full RINO

Donald Trump took to Truth Social over the weekend and attacked Ron DeSantis, his chief rival in the 2024 Republican presidential primary. Trump first attacked DeSantis for not being a real Republican, writing, “Ron DeSanctimonious wants to cut your Social Security and Medicare, closed up Florida & its beaches, loves RINOS Paul Ryan, Jeb Bush, and Karl Rove (disasters ALL!), is backed by Globalist’s Club for NO Growth, Lincoln Pervert Project, & ‘Uninspired’ Koch — And it only gets worse from there. He is a RINO in disguise!, whose Poll numbers are dropping like a rock. Good luck Ron!” He then made the case that DeSantis is way down against him in the polls, which is a clear misrepresentation of how the race is shaping up. He said, “‘Support for DeSantis cools in latest GOP POLL.’ Washington Times. Of course it cools. He wants to cut Social Security and Medicare.” If Trump is already this obsessed with DeSantis before the race has even started, he’s most definitely going to ramp up the attacks if and when the Florida governor declares his candidacy.


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‘Uninspired’ Koch #davidpakmanshow Donald Trump Jeb Bush Karl Rove Lincoln Pervert Project Medicare RINOS Paul Ryan Ron DeSantis Social Security Truth Social


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