2022-06-15 17:53:10

Trump Took Advice from Drunk Rudy Giuliani

One of the big headlines from day two of the January 6th committee was that Donald Trump was taking advice from an intoxicated Rudy Giuliani on election night. As Committee Vice Chair Liz Cheney announced, “President Trump rejected the advice of his campaign election night and instead followed the course recommended by an apparently inebriated Rudy Giuliani to just claim he won and insist that the vote counting stop.” That is exactly what Trump did. He came out around 2 am on the night of the election, claimed he won the race, and said he wanted all vote counting to stop. As Cheney explained at the hearing, Trump knew the early results would favor him and the mail-in ballots would take longer to get counted leading Joe Biden to slowly catch up. Trump tried desperately to use this to his advantage and set the narrative that he won and among many of his supporters it worked.

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#davidpakmanshow Donald Trump January 6th committee Joe Biden Rudy Giuliani Vice Chair Liz Cheney


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