2022-03-15 19:14:55

Trump Supporters Interviewed by Walter Masterson

Trump supporters were interviewed by Walter Masterson and The Good Liars at the Trump rally in Florence, South Carolina over the weekend. One woman made the case that Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin, and Xi Jinping are all working together against the “deep state” in the United States. This woman expressed concern over elites releasing bioweapons across the world if the Trump/Putin/Xi team doesn’t stop them. Another woman said that it was probably true and included Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi. A third person made the case that numerology shows that the word “corona” is from the devil because it’s six letters long. But then apparently too many people figured that out, so the government changed it to COVID-19. She went on to explain that “Ovid” means sheep and 19 is military code for surrender, so the whole thing works out to “see sheep surrender.” These people seriously need help.

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COVID-19 Donald Trump military code Prime Minister Narendra Modi The David Pakman Show Trump Supporters United States Vladimir Putin Xi Jinping


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