2021-06-09 15:23:24

Trump Suggests Mark Zuckerberg Interfered with Election

Donald Trump’s post-presidency media tour continues, this time with an interview on Stuart Varney’s Fox Business show. The two had a conversation about cybersecurity and how to prevent ransomware attacks. Trump said about the issue, “the way you stop it is going back to a much more old fashion way of accounting and things.” He went on to say “you need a lot more security” along with other unenlightening hot takes. Every time Trump is asked about computers and cybersecurity, he has to bring up his 15-year-old son Barron and how he’s “so good with computers” and “can make these things sing.” But the headline is that Trump proposed moving away from using computers and the internet as the solution to ransomware attacks and other threats because “anyone can break in.”

Later on in the interview, Trump and Varney discussed the coronavirus pandemic wrapping up in the United States. Trump argued that the number of cases and deaths in America were overreported and that if people died from a heart attack or any other reason, medical personnel would just determine it to be a COVID death. In fact the opposite is probably true. Many cases and deaths, especially early on in the pandemic, went without being reported because of a lack of testing. Even once testing became available, some people refused to take them for one reason or another. Trump then managed to connect this to the 2020 election, as no interview of his is complete now without baseless allegations of voter fraud. Trump told the Fox audience, “I won the election and they cheated” without any pushback from the host. The ex-POTUS then introduced a new election conspiracy theory, which is that Facebook and Mark Zuckerberg paid $500 million for phony lockboxes to rig the presidential race. As time goes on and people care less and less about Trump’s voter fraud claims, he’s finding a need to update them in wackier and more desperate ways.


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2020 David Pakman Donald Trump Election Facebook Fox Business Fox News Mark Zuckerberg Stuart Varney The David Pakman Show Voter Fraud


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